
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jodi and Toner Hit The Villages!

First day of their visit was a full one!  After sleeping in, while Jodi, Brian and I sat and chatted over a breakfast of Rice Krispy Treats, Toner went for a run around the neighborhood.  Way too healthy for me!  I did think of following him in the golf cart, but even that sounded like too much work.  You go Toner!

Then it was off to Too Jays for lunch and a stroll around Lake Sumter Landing.  GarVinos caught our eye and we stopped in for a glass of wine and beer.  We passed on the cigars, but there were several gentlemen enjoying big fat cigars in the enclosed 'smoking room'.  Refreshed from the golf cart ride to town and getting our taste buds set for more libations, it was off to the Town Square for music and dancing.

We found some prime seats and settled in to listen to the music and enjoy the evening.  Jodi and I hit the Drink Shack since Happy Hour was from 5:00 - 6:00 and it was already ten after five!  Margarita's for Jodi and Brian, beers for me and Toner.  Then we settled in to listen to the night's band, Impulse.  They were actually very good and everyone was having a good time.

It was also "Market Night" so Jodi and I took a stroll around and got Jodi a couple of bargains.  And Jodi being Jodi, she managed to strike up conversations with several people on our little trip.  I also bought Brian a new hat!  With built in Hair!  

Several more trips to the Drink Shack and we found ourselves in a dancing mood.  Well, most of us anyway.  No matter how many Margarita's we poured into Brian he refused to dance!  Jodi and I took a stab at line dancing and I don't know if it was the beer or maybe the extra pounds I'm packing, but I didn't do well.  Thankfully the lady next to me in line was a forgiving soul, since I never could seem to turn in the right direction.  Jodi didn't do much better because she kept getting distracted by singing along with the band!

And after a few more beers and a few trips to the the john, even Toner was in a dancing mood and he hit the dance floor with Jodi.....

Gotta apologize for the quality of the video.  I shot it with my phone and it was getting dark by this time, but I think you can still see that Toner is packing some moves!  And again, Jodi, being Jodi, she met a couple of ladies from Nova Scotia while dancing!  She ended up dancing with them again a bit later!  You can see one of them, in the blue sweater, talking to Jodi while they danced.

All in all a very fun evening!  The music ends at 9:00 and shortly before that, our friend Frank stopped over to meet Jodi and Toner.  Since the music was over and to be honest, me and Brian had hit our booze limit about an hour earlier, we all headed back to the house for snacks and gossip.

Jodi also got to drive our golf cart, Water Lily, with Brian giving directions to the house.  Toner was concerned about her driving the cart in the dark, but let's face it, Brian was in no shape to do it!

Toner and I followed in the rental cart - which we will now refer to as 'the dog' - and in no time Jodi and Brian lost us.  But we all made it back to the house safe and sound.  Lots more laughing and okay, a few more drinks and it is time for bed.  We have another day of exploring tomorrow and then on Thursday we are off to Disney.  I hope an old fart like me can keep up!

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